grep-print lines matching a pattern(grep 可以分析一行信息,若当中有我们所需要的信息,就将该行拿出来)
grep [OPTIONS]PATTERN [FILE...](pattern:文本字符和正则表达式的元字符组合而成的匹配条件)
-C: 后面可加数字,除了列出该行外,前后的n行也列出来
-E:interpret PATTERN as an extended regular expression(使用扩展正则表达式)
[root@www ~]# grep 'root' -n --color /etc/passwd
正则表达式(regular expression,RE)
\<:锚定词首,此字符后面的任意内容必须出现在词首,因“<”的符号在shell有特殊意义,所以在“<”前面加 \
\>:锚定词尾,此字符前面的任意内容必须出现在词尾,因“>”的符号在shell有特殊意义,所以在“>”前面加 \
\(\):分组,匹配()内的内容,因“()”的符号在shell有特殊意义,所以在“()”前面加上 \
[root@www ~]# grep -n 't[ae]st' regular_express.txt
8:I can't finish the test.
9:Oh! The soup taste good.
[root@www ~]# grep -n '[^g]oo' regular_express.txt
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!
[root@www ~]# grep -n '^the' regular_express.txt
12:the symbol '*' is represented as start.
[root@www ~]# grep -n '\.$' regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
4:this dress doesn't fit me.
10:motorcycle is cheap than car.
[root@www ~]# grep -n '^$' regular_express.txt
[root@www ~]# grep -n 'g..d' regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
9:Oh! The soup taste good.
16:The world <Happy> is the same with "glad".
[root@www ~]# grep -n 'ooo*' regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
2:apple is my favorite food.
3:Football game is not use feet only.
9:Oh! The soup taste good.
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!
[root@www ~]# grep -n 'g.*g' regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
14:The gd software is a library for drafting programs.
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
19:goooooogle yes!
20:go! go! Let's go.
[root@www ~]# grep -n 'goo\?g' regular_express.txt
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
[root@www ~]# grep -n 'go\{2,5\}g' regular_express.txt
18:google is the best tools for search keyword.
+ :匹配其前面字符至少一个
{m,n}:匹配其前面的字符至少m次,至多n次,egrep不用在“{}”前加上 \
():分组,匹配()内的内容,egrep不用在“()”前加上 \
?:匹配其前面的字符1次或0次,egerp不用再“?”前加上 \
| :或(or)的意思
[root@www ~]# egrep -n 'good|dog' regular_express.txt
1:"Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.
9:Oh! The soup taste good.
17:I like dog.
其中 . [] [^] * ^ $ \< \> 所代表的意义跟标准正则表达式一样